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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina
The Commission will conduct the monthly Business Meeting Monday, October 14, 2024 at 10:30AM in Hearing Room A at the Commission offices in Columbia. Participants may access the meeting online. The agenda and zoom link may be accessed here.
 Regulation 67-1602 has been amended to establish electronic payment systems as the default method of payment for temporary disability and reimbursement for expenses. The full advisory and text of the regulation may be accessed here





Best Management Practices Self-Assessment

As required by Proviso 72.62 FY 2006-2007 Appropriation Act

Best Practice: (1) Integration of Planning and Budgeting:  The agency employs a multi-year strategic planning process that links the planning process with the annual budget review.

Self-Assessment: In progress

Best Practice: (2) Internal Audit:  The agency utilizes an active internal audit process that includes:  (a) programmatic reviews along with fiscal reviews; (b) consistent follow-up on audit findings; and (c) reporting of the internal audit function to the institutional head and/or to the governing board, if applicable.  Agencies that cannot afford a separate internal audit staff should use internal reviews that serve the same function as an internal auditor.

Self-Assessment: In progress

Best Practice: (3) Collaboration and Partnerships:  The agency demonstrates financially beneficial collaborative efforts with other public entities in performance of business functions including, as applicable, but not limited to, financial management, energy management, printing and publications, mail service, procurement, warehousing, public safety, security, space utilization, and parking.

Self-Assessment: In compliance

Best Practice: (4) Outsourcing and Privatization:  The agency examines opportunities for contracting out various business functions, has performed cost analyses, and has implemented, where economically feasible, cost saving contracts.

Self-Assessment: In compliance

Best Practice: (5) Process Analysis:  The agency makes a critical examination of its business processes in an effort to increase productivity, reduce waste and duplication, and improve the quality of services provided to its internal customers.

Self-Assessment: In compliance

Best Practice: (6) Use of Automation and Technology:  The agency uses a long range plan for improved use of technology to enhance business processes and takes deliberate efforts to implement this technology within budget constraints.

Self-Assessment: In compliance

Best Practice: (7) Energy and Other Resource Conservation and Management:  The agency uses a plan to conserve energy and other resources and has demonstrated positive results from the plan.

Self-Assessment: In compliance

Best Practice: (8) Preventive and Deferred Maintenance:  The agency uses a regular program of preventive maintenance to preserve its physical assets and has developed a plan to address overdue maintenance needs for its facilities.

Self-Assessment: In compliance

Best Practice: (9) Alternate Revenue Sources:  The agency makes substantial efforts to identify and secure alternate revenue sources (excluding categorical grants for specific functions) to supplement funds available from state appropriations.

Self-Assessment: In compliance

Best Practice: (10) External Annual Financial Audit Findings:  The agency minimizes or avoids all management letter and single audit findings in the annual audit performed or supervised by the State Auditor, especially violations of state law, material weaknesses, and single audit “findings” and “questioned costs.”

Self-Assessment: In compliance

Best Practice: (11) External Review Findings:  The agency minimizes or avoids all non-compliance findings related to its business practices in external reviews and audits.

Self-Assessment: In compliance 

Best Practice: (12) Long Range Capital Plan:  The institution uses a long range (minimum three to five years) capital improvement plan for major capital requirements for its buildings and has, subject to fund availability, begun implementation of the plan.

Self-Assessment: In compliance 

Best Practice: (13) Risk Management:  The agency has an active risk management program in place to minimize its losses.

Self-Assessment: In compliance