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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

eCase Information

eCase is a tool the Commission created to provide constituents with electronic access to workers’ compensation cases. Public information for cases on appeal is available to site visitors, and parties to a claim may register to access confidential case status information. eCase allows attorneys and insurance adjusters handling claims to obtain the most up-to-date SCWCC case status information.

The eCase Display Claims Management System has been upgraded to provide better functionality and an improved user experience as part of our agency’s IT System’s Legacy Modernization Effort.

Please access the newly enhanced system using your current username and password.

If you handle workers' compensation claims and are not currently registered to access eCase, we encourage you to register for eCase and use it regularly. Please click on the link below to use our application. 

eCase log in

eCase log in  (New users must register. Existing users please use your current username and password).

eCase Registered User Guide (NEW! 2023) (PDF)

Contacts for assistance with eCase Registration:

Attorney/Paralegal users
Judicial Department

Insurance Carrier & TPA users
Coverage Division