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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina
The Commission received the final report from the Office of State Auditor on June 26, 2024. The full report may be accessed here. The report is the result of an annual audit of the Commission's internal financial activity. 
 Regulation 67-1602 has been amended to establish electronic payment systems as the default method of payment for temporary disability and reimbursement for expenses. The full advisory and text of the regulation may be accessed here





Informal Conference

My adjuster has scheduled an Informal Conference. What can I expect?

An Informal Conference is scheduled in an admitted case when the employee has been released by the treating physician to return to work. A Commissioner or Claims Mediator presides over the conference to review the proposed agreement.

The employee or the employer's representative may request an Informal Conference. The employee may request a conference by writing a letter to the Commission; the employer's representative may request a conference on a Form 18 (PDF).

If the issues are not resolved at the Informal Conference, the case is set before the Jurisdictional Commissioner for a hearing.

Frequently Asked Questions About Informal Conferences (PDF)

Informal Conferences Schedule

Informal Conferences are conducted telephonically and scheduled in the order received by the Commission.

For additional information regarding Informal Conferences Contact:

Kelly Goodale